Dear members and friends of the Hellenic Community of Ireland,

We are pleased to invite you to the Culture Night 2018 event “Aesop’s fables”, which will take place on Friday 21 Sep 2018 at Gutter Bookshop, Cow’s Lane, Temple Bar, from 5 pm till 5:45pm, where stories from this great storyteller will be read. This event is an initiative of Dr Franchesca De La Morgia, Mother Tongues Director, and Ms Aimee van Wylick, Culture Night National Coordinator.

We will have the opportunity to enjoy our teachers Xanthi Bakoyanni, Vassiliki Ploumbi, and Paddy Sammon reading stories in Greek (modern and ancient!) and more.

We would like to thank Mother Tongues and Culture Night, whom our Community is supporting, and also Mr Robert Johnston of Gutter Bookshop, for making this event possible.
Relevant links:

Greece Wildfires- Fundraiser Charity Concert

Surprised and shocked by the recent tragic fires that attacked our fellow humans in Attica – Greece, together with the Greek Orthodox Community and a number of well known as well as anonymous Irish friends, like for example the Kilnaughtin Group in Rathkeale (Patrick Comeford) , or the unique Donal Lunny and the special Theo Dorgan, we will act accordingly: we will help as much as we can. Immediately with the organization of a musical evening, the income of which will be given to the victims of the recent fires.
A number of Greek musicians as well as Irish artists involved in music and the arts will participate unselfishly in this musical evening.
The musical evening will take place on Saturday September 1st in the
Grand Social premises in Lower Liffey Street, Dublin 1.

Lets make a humanity appointment.
We will wait for all of you in this unique occasion in order to show our practical solidarity towards our distressed compatriots.
For tickets to the event and further information please contact:

Stacy Fieldmann through
Michael Youlton, Treasurer of the Hellenic Community, at or through 086 8159487 and
Paddy Sammon at or 085 1174710

Tickets are 25 EURO and the evening will begin at 19.30
Donations towards the event can be sent to a special account we have opened in our bank which will be used only for this purpose. Our objective is the money to arrive to the hands of people who really need the support and to that end we have already started communicating with some of the families involved :
Attica Fires Account in AIB
Account number: 26256158
Sort Code: 931012
IBAN : IE50AIBK93101226256158,       BIC :/Swift: AIBKIE2D
We want to have this opportunity to warmly thank our friend and member Stacy Fieldmann for the tremendous organizational effort she has invested in this activity.

Visit of the Deputy Foreign Minister of Greece to Ireland

Dear members and friends of the Hellenic Community of Ireland,

We would like to inform you that the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Hellenic Republic, Mr Terence Quick, will meet with the students, parents and teachers of the Hellenic School on Saturday, March 24 at 12:00 at the Dublin school premises in Arbour Hill.

At 13.00, the minister will attend the light lunch organized by the Hellenic Community at the Collins Barracks Museum cafe and you are most welcomed.

He will be informed about issues that concern Greeks in Ireland such as their business and cultural activity.

We call on Greek entrepreneurs and artists who want to exhibit a sample of their work to be in the cafe at 12:30.

Σχολική εορτή για την 25η Μαρτίου 1821

Αγαπητοί γονείς, κηδεμόνες, μέλη  και φίλοι της Ελληνικής Κοινότητας Ιρλανδίας,   Σάς καλούμε φέτος στην πρώτη εκδήλωση της Ελληνικής Κοινότητας για την 25η Μαρτίου που είναι αυτή του σχολείου μας και θα πραγματοποιηθεί την ερχόμενη Κυριακή 11/3/18 από τις 15:00-16:30 στην σχολική  αίθουσα, 46 Arbour Hill, Dublin 7.

Για λόγους που είναι εντελώς εκτός δικού μας ελέγχου και ευθύνης, η σχολική γιορτή θα πραγματοποιηθεί φέτος τμηματικά στην μικρή και ζεστή σχολική μας αίθουσα αυτή την Κυριακή ξεκινώντας στις 15:00.

Greek Party !


Image result for christmas clipart

 A small gathering for all the Greeks in Ireland and their friends. All are welcome. Join us for a few drinks and socializing. 

Where: Urban Brewing

When: 30/12/2017

Time: 10:00

Business and crafts networking event !

This is the first business and crafts networking event organized by the Hellenic Community of Ireland, for Greeks, their friends and all Philhellenes. To exhibit and promote our work, network, meet and showcase our presence in Ireland.

The event will take place on Sunday 11June 2017 from 13:30 to 16:30,Silk Road Cafe in the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin Castle and will be launched by
H.E. Ms Katia Georgiou, Ambassador of Greece to Ireland,
at 14:30.

The Moonlight Sonata by Yannis Ritsos, Trinity College – 25 March

A big “thank you” from the Hellenic Community of Ireland to the two exceptional actors
Marios Iordánou and Sophia Kazantzián, who made us all participants in “…the life and the fluttering of a moment…”
A big “thank you”, which indeed is not sufficient, for the honour they did to our small Community, by allowing us to be the point of departure for the dedicatory voyage to our great poet, Yannis Rítsos.
We were moved by their interpretation, they entered our hearts and minds, they enchanted the souls of our children…
Our warmest thanks to: the Embassy of Greece in Ireland;
Professor Dr. Christine Morris of the Department of Classics in Trinity College;
who was our host; to Marjorie Chambers, an alumna of TCD, who has translated Rítsos’s work, and to the students
Andrew Beazley, Paul Corcoran and Ellen Finn, who read the poem in English. And finally to all the tireless volunteers, who dedicated endless hours towards the success of the presentation, and of course to the wonderful members of the audience who filled the Long Room Hub to capacity.
Our thanks to you all.

The Moonlight Sonata by Yannis Ritsos

We have the honour to present in Dublin the world premiere of the Moonlight Sonata by Yannis Ritsos.
The two actors Sophia Kazantzian and Marios Iordanou are performing on
Saturday 25th March 2017 at 20:00 in the Long Room Hub of Trinity College Dublin.
The performance, which will be in Greek, will be preceded by the reading of the poem in English (translation by Marjorie Chambers) by students from Trinity College .
For tickets, please contact:

Michael Youlton,

Stella Xenopoulou,
Prices: 10 euro for members of the Hellenic Community of Ireland and chlildren over 12
15 euro for non-members

Cutting of Vasilopita for 2017

Dear members and friends of the Hellenic Community of Ireland,

You are invited by the Hellenic Community of Ireland to the cutting of our Vasilopita, which will take place in the Silk Road Cafe of the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin Castle on 5th February 2017.

The event starts at 13:30. The Library is open on Sundays from 13:00 to 17:00, admission is free. This is a great opportunity to get to know the library, and especially it’s Greek treasures. These include the world’s oldest extensive manuscripts, on papyrus, of the Four Gospels, the Apocalypse, and the Letters of St Paul.

There is free and pay and display parking available in different streets around Dublin Castle, including Werburgh Street.

Happy new year

The Greek night of the year!

Get yourselves sorted and put your dancing shoes on, because we are expecting you all in our Greek night full of fun and merriment, celebrating the Greek national day of October 28th and the name day for Dimitrios and Dimitra, but above all to get together and have a ball – literally!

Saturday 26 October, from 8 pm until 2 am at the reception hall of

Child Vision, Gracepark Road, Drumcondra, Dublin 9

The ticket includes finger food, but the drinks will be charged at the bar separately.
Free car parking will be provided.

Ticket: 25 euro
Unemployed, students: 15 euro
Under 12s: 10 euro

For ticket sales/ reservations please get in touch via email with the Management Board members:
Yanni Doumenis:
Christodoulos Lazaris:
Konstantinos Drakakis:
Thomaé Kakouli:
Michael Youlton: